
Chat in mIRC

Running mIRC, the most important thing you can get 3 basic things: Connect, Join Channel, Start Chatting.

First, open the program by double click mIRC shortcut, you succeed if it has appeared the main mIRC window.

  1. Just select the Continue, MIRC OPTION Dialog will appear next OPTION You can return to this part of the OPTION menu TOOLS » OPTIONS or press ALT + O on your keyboard.

  2. Note: By Category Connect please fill out your data like my data example above. Do not press the Connect button first, because we will select the Server Option Secondly.

  3. For example select Dalnet, Then click Select button.

  4. Wait a moment ....
    There will be show some result as:
    * Connecting to irc.dal.net (6665)
    -swiftco.wa.us.dal.net- *** Looking up your hostname…

    Until then appears result as:
    Welcome to the DALnet IRC Network Mufli!~plazino@

    means you are already connected to the server mIRC. Connected with the server has not mean a direct to chat or join the conference. you need to get into a CHANNEL. In a Channel that you start chatting

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